Actually,,Assalam,actually cita cita aq nak jadi seorang Pensyarah dan dalam masa yang sama nak jadi photographer...kalau nak jadi pensyarah pun,nak ambik pendidikan Bahasa Melayu cause I love Bahasa Melayu,bulan 1 haritu nak jadi lawyer tpi disebbkan bi,bm,math,sains kena dpt A strong,patah juga hati ni,,serius doo..abg saddiq tu pun struggle masa spm lepastu dia g luar negara..hebat ciptaan Allah s.w.t.....rezeki masing masing,some love sains,some love math,some love bi,some love bahasa inggeris,,its about love the subject,how can we just straight A cause we don't fall in love in that subject..but i'll try hard to focus about my mistake but i always do my mistake again,so careless and clueless,,i'm born to be a good girl but i don't what i want to be?not yet?its really hard to thinks about future..whatever ???bla bla bla..its not imposibble right if I get A in Math and Sains in Pt3..nothing imposibble when Allah say "Kunfayakun"..right?
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